My people

You know who my people are?

photo by Nicole De Khors

photo by Nicole De Khors

My people are hard-working type A's who are hell-bent on squeezing the most out of life.

My people spend their days solving problems for others and their nights dreaming about how they're going to change world.

My people get mistaken for superheros because they follow their super-human passions and create magical opportunities.

My people believe we are better when we lift each other up.

My people live & die by the moments they choose to laugh in the face of adversity, to connect in the moments they're scared and to explore new possibilities. Even when life sucks.

My people love deep conversations and aren't afraid to show up real.

My people have a deep burning desire to CELEBRATE.

My people are dreamers, visionaries, heart-led humans and I am so blessed to be surrounded by these wonderful people.

Who are your people?

photo by Nicole De Khors

TWO Choices for Clarity and Connection with Celebrate You™ in 2018

History of Celebrate You™

Historically, the Celebrate You™ gathering in January has been a half day spent wrapping up last year's lessons and thoughts and discovering the next year's intentions and inspired actions, then ending with a word of the year chosen by each of us.

2017 has been a year of growth for the Celebrate You™ movement and in an effort to include more women, we're offering two options for this first meeting.

Choices in 2018

We're expanding and you have two choices!

  1. A Weekend Retreat in Port Townsend, WA to expand the time for learning, connecting and celebrating yourself

  2. A One Day Retreat in Langley, WA the traditional time filled with meaningful connections and celebrations

Everyone is Welcome to Come

Just like in previous years, everyone is welcome to participate in this first meeting. No membership is required for these events. Both events will use the 2018 Celebrate You™ Workbook and offer similar content. 

Of course... we do hope that you continue the momentum by joining the 12-month self-discovery program called Celebrate You™.

What the heck is a Life Coach?

When I people I'm a life coach, I get one of two responses. A smile with lit up eyes and "I've been wanting to learn more about life coaching" OR a confused, I-should-probably-go-now look.

This is for the people with the second response…

"OK, what's a life coach?" you ask, feeling a little weird about asking.

Here's my simple answer:


What's a Life Coach? How can a life coach help me?


Here's my longer answer: A life coach helps you discover and clarify what you want most from life and helps you create a plan to achieve your version of success. Then she reminds you of your intentions as life happens, distractions come up and you temporarily get off your success path. Gentle accountability over time is key to extraordinary results.

Reasons to hire a life coach:

  • Feeling stuck in a career,

  • Disappointed with health issues,

  • Overwhelmed with parenting dilemmas

  • Unconnected in personal relationships

  • Struggling at work

  • Unable to make a big decision

--any kind of a puzzle in your life, really.

Many coaches have a specialty. Mine is helping family businesses, coaches and other professionals find extraordinary success, both personally and professionally.

Life coaching is similar to other types of coaching—imagine you're hiring a trainer at the gym. They're going to ask what your goals are, assess where you are on your journey and provide some new tools. What they're doing to your muscles, life coaches are doing to your thoughts and feelings around your circumstances (your mind), but without bucket loads of sweat.

Did you know that we have about 50,000 thoughts a day and the vast majorityare repetitive, non-productive thoughts?


For instance: "I'm so stupid for eating that third slice of cake last night." "My sister always treats me like a baby." "I'll never get promoted at work." All non-productive and repetitive chatter that keeps us down. Sound familiar?

Many times we're unknowingly stuck in a negative feedback loop. Then we wonder why nothing ever changes. Ha!

A life coach can help you notice your patterns and replace the non-productive thoughts with other, more supportive (and truthful) thoughts.

Here's a metaphor I like to use.

As a coach, I'm like a lighthouse keeper.

My job is to keep the lighthouse in working order, shining brightly. My client is like a lighthouse in need of maintenance. The light has dulled—maybe it's internal (a thought like "I don't know who I am anymore") and the lens of the lighthouse needs to be polished and re-focused. Maybe it's external—it's really foggy with poor visibility (maybe you just got laid off and aren't sure what to do next).

I can help you notice where your light has dulled or where the fog has clouded your vision and offer tools to see things clearly, to change perspective, to try new ways of living intentionally.

The benefits are real! My clients brag about reducing their blood pressure from sky-high to normal, reaching wildly improbable goals like doubling their sales with their existing customer base or  planning (and starting!) a 3-month backpacking trip to Europe at age 59, adding some self-care like going away for a girls weekend and letting a husband have the kids for a weekend, even if he isn't thrilled about it…

Want to experience what a life coach does for yourself? Sign up for a free 30 minute Strategy Session.

Celebrate You™ Quarterly Planner: Daily Check in with your intentions

Create each day with intention, align with your values and go to bed satisfied that you checked off the boxes that really mattered in your life.



By designing a 30,000 foot, high-level plan for the year based on your values and intentions (Celebrate You™ Workbook), then breaking the plan into quarterly and monthly achievable goals (Celebrate You™ Planner), it’s easy to add inspired actions into each day. You’ll see amazing results when you spend 15 minutes each morning aligning with your intentions.


You’ll see the benefits of living with intention starting on day one.

· Become aware of your purpose each day

· Enjoy a deeper understanding of yourself

· Create boundaries around your day

· Design your day so it’s easy to accomplish your goals

· Add healthy habits into your day effortlessly

· Make your dreams a reality with inspired actions


Message from Lisa Honold, Founder of Celebrate You™

I’m Lisa Honold, Certified Martha Beck Life Coach and my mission is to inspire and support you as you create an extraordinary life, moment by intentional moment.  I’m founder of Celebrate You™, a global movement that celebrates intentional living. I created this planner to help me stay on track with my goals and intentions. I simplified my life by combining my daily journal, projects notebook, dinner planner, to-do lists and quarterly goals with my traditional daily planner to create ONE place for everything. I no longer need to search for the “right” book because there’s only one place to put everything. Give it a try—it’s a life changer!

Bucket List Item #34 (aka Singing Lessons)

Do you keep a bucket list?

It's one of the ways we keep track of our dreams in my program Celebrate You.

Growing up I was pretty sure I couldn't sing.

Sure, I could hold a note on key, but my voice never sounded like a singing voice to me. I woke up with a desire to sing after a conversation with a friend's father, a well-known opera singer. He said that in his experience, anyone could be trained to sing, and he said it with such confidence that I believed him. I tucked that seed of hope into my heart and waited for the right time. Three years ago it sprouted onto my bucket list.

There it was, #34 on my 2014 Bucket List: Singing Lessons.

It was scary to write down. I couldn't imagine actually doing it.

And I didn't.

I re-evaluated that list in 2015. Do I write it again? Am I still drawn toward it? Yes.

Same process in 2016. It made the list a third time. Not many things stick around that long--either I do them or I lost interest in doing them and they disappear.

Singing lessons started to feel important. I started paying attention to coincidences and synchronicities. I collected names of recommended singing teachers. One day when I was feeling brave, I contacted my top pick and we set up a time to get started. Over time my confidence while singing improved. Singing in front of others is still scary as hell, but guess what--I do it!

Here's what I did not see coming:

Singing lessons have been a metaphor for finding my voice in other ways.

Seriously! Expressing myself through song, by opening my mouth and feeling vulnerable, yet still sharing my voice, is empowering me to be brave and speak up in other ways.

I am willing to be heard and willing to be judged.

Who knew that's where singing lessons would lead...

What's been on your bucket list for awhile?

What are you waiting for? I dare you to take a tiny step toward it...

2017 Word of the Year


That's my word for 2017.

I'm defining radiant as expressing love, confidence and happiness and it's the feeling of being aglow, sending out light, shining brightly, dazzling. It inspires me to take what I know in my heart and radiate it outward.

In previous years, I've chosen words like: abundance, live luxuriously, intuition, inspire... and I'm always amazed at how useful each word has been. How the word gives me permission to explore, learn and challenge longstanding beliefs.

I cherish this tradition of choosing a word. Now each member of my family chooses a word, generally around Christmas time. I talk with friends about their words. It's a cool way to have a deep, genuine, ongoing conversation in a new way.

In my program Celebrate You, we spend time honing our intentions for the year before inviting this year's word. We try on a few words, hesitantly, seeing if they fit or if there's another word that feels more right. We share the word in the group and the power of the word increases. We continue to come back to the word each month and share lessons around our word.

What’s your word?

I encourage you to spend a few quiet minutes to find a word you'd like to partner up with this year. Write it down. Refer to it often. Invite a friend to join you. See how it influences your year.