I know you're busy… but are you planning to do the right things to ensure your business success in 2018?
What we focus on expands.
As a business coach and former CPA, I've noticed that clients who purposefully pause to celebrate their achievements boost their confidence and clarity. They know what they've done well and they know where they need focus and support going forward. From that knowledge comes a strategy that is relevant and updated.
Every January I compile some metrics that matter. Things like Number of Individual Clients, Number of Facebook Followers, Number of Blog Posts. Yours might be different, but the idea is to track them monthly and note WHY changes are happening. You've had four new referrals this month--why? Did former clients recommend you? Are you trading referrals with another coach? The reasons you note will help you make solid business decisions going forward.
If you want to build a profitable business, not a barely-making-ends-meet hobby, you'll take a few minutes to recap 2017 and create a custom dashboard so you can measure what's important to your business.
Here's PART ONE: the Dashboard Worksheet.
Pick 4-5 metrics that matter to you. Fill them in for the year.
Once you've got your high-level metrics, you're going to break them into achievable pieces, monthly goals and actions.
Here's a downloadable Monthly Dashboard to use.
Keep it handy and put a note in your calendar to update your metrics on the 1st of every month.
For PART TWO, Time Allocation and Revenue Projections, email me at lisa@celebrateyouacademy.com You'll learn how much time you actually have to spend on your business (you may be surprised!) and be able to make a revenue projection based on FACT, not fiction.